Phone War

by admin on October 28, 2009

Tips and tricks how to get het to come to you

Tips and tricks how to get her to come to you

This article will help you build any phone conversation so that the girl came to visit.

Part 1. Preparation.

I hope you take the phone, only if the right failed to hold a meeting? Phone – only a tool, the objective – rendezvous. And if you dial the phone, make sure you call on them? And then I know many “collectors”. Dial the phone, and then do not call on them. If you do not want to meet with the girl next, then do not take phone. She will wait for the call.

Thus, the general points that will help you build any telephone conversation that the girl came to visit.

1) Before you call, enter into a positive.
2) enjoying themselves on the phone. Feel it!
3) Speak with a smile. If you comply with paragraph 2, the smile appear by itself.
4) Phone will only need to make an appointment. Usually it takes 3-5 minutes of time.
5) No need to memorize dialogues conversation, patterns of responses, it is important to understand the principle of the answer.
6) We put it before the fact, leaving no choice.
7) No “and you can” and other similar words.
8) Always designate the exact time and venue.
9) There is another chip that will help raise the efficiency vyzvona by 40%. Appoint the svidanku where the situation to anything would not be obliged – or any girl for you. To this looked like a meeting of friends or good acquaintances. We can say   “Walk”, and in pikaperskom slang – “even walk a girl”))

Part 2. Quick win
– Hello. This is (name). We’re there they were talking … (If she remembers you, you can not say where you met)
– Hello ….
– How are you feeling?
– Good (normal / bad).
– Cool (good / well, yes, it happens).
(Here the meaning is to raise by 1 level of emotion. Von)
– I have a great idea.
– What?
– Let’s meet there somewhere, it was then.
– Yes.
– How you’ll be late? 🙂
– I’m not late.

– Hello.
– Hello. And who is this? …
– Do not recognize him:)) This is (name). Yesterday we talked with you in the park Gagarin Park.
– How’s life?
– Yeah. And you how are you?
– All wonderful … the street fine weather. Go for a walk)) See you there then, then something.
– Good.

Part 3. Otmazy.

She says she can not meet today, but maybe tomorrow or Thursday.

All right, it really the case. Negotiate the next day.

She says she can not meet today and does not appoint another time.

She wanted to teach lessons to prepare for the set-off, to help my mother to watch House 2. Could believe, but we’re not the first day we live))
We must persevere, and to offer more times to meet.
– I need to prepare for the biology
– Ok, I understand this takes time, then meet at 16.20)) Until then invited to meet at 16.00
– Today, I can not ….
– Ok. Then let’s meet on Friday so much …
After that, usually, is a constructive change in consciousness, and she agrees to a meeting.
If you hear a “No”, then say: “Fine.” (pause) It is important to say this in a tone that she realized that you are no longer going to persuade, beg, that you have a lot of other girls with whom you can spend an evening. A voice not hurt the boy.
(There is a version that, after a pause, she agree to an appointment or another time).
A few days later called back, again, if not, erase the phone.

She agreed to meet, but asked her to call back before this, specify the time (the place, clothes) meeting.

I quote from the book of F. flagship “Effective seduction by 200%”:

Can the sake of interest and experience even agree on that. It is even possible that in the end you are with her all the same meet. But most likely, no. When you are asked to call back before the interview, you just want to make a backup plan. If the girl appears at this time any further action, you can be sure that you dumped. Therefore, such things need to respond immediately and harshly.
– No, I will not chime. Or we agree now or never.
– No. I’ll call you back at another time when you will not be so busy. (Hang up)
– Tell me honestly, do you want to see you? Yes? Me too. Then we are unlikely to something amiss. In so much, there is something. Good luck.

And I’d add the following answer: “I’m busy man, I need to plan your time, so let’s just decide exactly when you’re free.”

Part 4. Different pathogenetic issues))
If a girl has a boyfriend, husband. How to build a conversation?

Just as with the usual. Only the first call, add the phrase: “You comfortable now to talk about?”.

On what day is better to appoint svidanku?

Today, to call – today and appointed. The exception, if you are very, very busy man. And all the time laid out.

It has a date, I called her, and she does not answer. How better to do?

90% – that you’re not interested in her. Learn to hold a meeting. 9% – that she had hinted at sex, but you ignored the label and got the brakes. And there is no need nazvanivat more than one or two times. We live then in the 21 century, to remain mobile of a missed call.

About SMS
When you write sms, you will not hear her voice and not feel her mood. Also, you give her an opportunity to think and most have to wait for her answer.

I took her phone with friends, but we had virtually no dealings …

And …? It’s like, what have you ammo, but no machine … They are absolutely useless. So – go and get in touch with her, let her leave you phone.

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