Saying something sweet to her

Saying something sweet to her
In this article, you learned something about compliments. Why, when and, most importantly, how. We even show you a short list ready compliments!
Before we’ll move on to the list of compliments, let’s start to define what is a compliment.
There are many definitions of that word, including “traditional bow after the actor a standing ovation.” So let’s introduce a new definition, we can understand you, and we will continue to enjoy. Thinking at the time, I decided that a compliment – it’s my approval or praise the fact that my girlfriend likes. Simple and tasteful.
How does a compliment? Extremely simple – it is positive and pleasant emotions. Typically, a compliment is always sufficient to start the conversation with a girl. After all, the girls really like when they are praised.
So what can be praised and that there was to approve? But whatever. For example, a compliment can be made regarding:
Topics in the conversation.
As you know, the list is not exhaustive. The very complete, in the process, so to speak. And while you a little example from our list of compliments:
Amazing eyes.
Beautiful gait.
That shirt you are going.
I can see, you have good taste.
Pleasant voice.
You dance well.
What is your smooth skin.
You appealing.
You have a nice smile.
Very neat look.
Beautiful teeth.
You have a good figure.
Pleasant sight.
You have very interesting eyes.
Beautiful makeup. Very good you stressed.
You have a beautiful even tan.
You have a real Italian smile – the same insidious.
Girl, you are beautiful at 85% (47, 90% – depending on the amount of clothing), the rest I have not seen (say with a smile).
Main, important and most essential rule: the compliment must be sincere! Backhanded compliment automatically converted to run over, and the reaction to run over and the reaction to a compliment – very different from each other. I say simply: if you sovresh, very high likelihood that you will receive a negative reaction in the beginning of communication. It must be you?
Second: you should not do things exactly a compliment. Why? Because you do not compliment a girl, and the designer who invented it all. But the compliment to her sense of style, ability to pick up things, creating the image – to do exactly worth it.
The third and last rule: do compliment her style and dress is when you are stronger and well-dressed than the girl. Otherwise, it is once again hitting or provocation. In any case not the best thing.
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