Ho to touch her?

Ho to touch her?
Of the many men a woman selects those whose touch she knew, whose touch to it – the norm.
It happens.
A nice warm evening. Afar the muffled sounds of the city. It’s getting dark. You cute babbling about something lightweight and unobtrusive notice that you have a lot in common, and the conversation goes like itself. At some point you paused for a moment, and her eyes tell you: “Kiss me”. However, some click, some stiffness. Well, nothing. You throw back some kind of joke. You again cheerfully. “Look, see what there is a funny dog runs. I was in my childhood Shepherd, so she could …. And it turns out that you both love animals, it tells you about his favorite cat, and, passing the road at the traffic light you stop and somehow suddenly falls silent again. Again, her eyes said: “I want to kiss”, but to overcome the forces themselves are not enough …
Sound familiar?
This problem – just a detail. And if you look in general, it is important to only one thing: constantly in touch with the body of a girl. If you want your kiss, your embrace and frank affection perceived her “to cheer, you have to necessarily have to constantly touch (kinestetit) girl.
So, kinesthetic tricks.
Easy movie on the street (active):
1. At the beginning of walking hand bend at the elbow – so that she could for her to take up and pay almost trance-command: “cling”:)
2. “God, how are slippery … I supported you!” – Priobnimaem girl’s shoulders or keep the elbow.
3. Any how some interesting subject. Priobnimaem waist and prophesy: “Look, what a bright star there. What do you think there us anyone watching? ”
4. “Let’s hand, and now we move across the street.
5. In the doorway, in transport, we serve all over his hand and held the girl’s waist.
Easy movie on the street (provocative):
“Listen, you have warm hands? Pogreesh mine? At least one palm.
1. “You now, when it said, I have my heart beat fast, horror! That touch it … ”
2. “I’m afraid to cross the road in the wrong places, take me by the hand, please.”
3. The girl asked ottryahnut us a spot, dust, hair, etc.
4. “That’s all think that my heart is here” – take her hand, leaning on his chest. “But really there …” – conduct to the solar plexus.
Movies in the field of stationary rest:
1. Move up to the girl under the pretext of poor hearing or unwillingness to speak loudly. And, as a result, we sit, so that any part of the body in contact with her.
2. Smell the perfume. This is a classic of the genre. Girls from this simple beep. You can sniff all. This is fun, and extremely pleasant. In the end you can sit with words: “And now you have me sniff!”.
3. Speak in a whisper. Techniques vote DORE is very handy. You can speak softly, almost touching his lips to her eye area.
4. Divination. To be able to guess is optional. Enough to take the girl’s hand всяко – Differently stroking her with his fingers and sentence with the obvious: “You seem to be trusting, easy to come into contact with people …”.
5. We view the jewelry. In the hands, wrist, neck, ears. Naturally we are looking at them, touching. In a nutshell mention that men and women are constructed differently. And if we are ten seconds into a state of full combat readiness, it accelerates the girl a long time. Therefore, such light touches to them beyond important.
6. Remove from the cheeks (lips, chin), some (perhaps fictional) crumb.
7. When communicating gesticulating with his hands in the upper body and keep touching lightly on to the shoulders, forearm, wrist, knee. If her laugh, then these touch generally imperceptible. In any case, the reaction to them, usually positive.
8. “Are you fed up? Give a listen tummy urchit:) ”
9. “That I could never understand how the friendly embrace different from lovers. That’s so – it is friendly? And like this? ”
Movies at your house:
1. If you’re at your house, you should not be a problem just come up and priobnyat girl. This should be done regularly. We can not give a girl cool.
2. On this planet there are no girls who would refrain from massage clavicle. This can be done without even removing his clothes, and it is extremely pleasant.
3. From clavicle hands can easily slip on the chest, for example:) But a kiss on the neck – a trick becomes almost a forbidden technique.
4. Put the girl on the bed is usually no difficulty with the words: “Come here! 🙂 “. Or, under the pretext of reading fairy tales, play chess, watch movies, poizuchat ceiling. If a girl stubbornness, they can already be attributed to the hands. When on their hands you drop your girl on the bed, clutching her head;) When, after this you are not going gathering of her undress, but actually propose to play chess, believe me, it is surprising!
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