Forget the girl
Probably no one guy on earth who would be in my life have never heard the phrase: “Let’s stay friends”, “You’re too cool for me,” We’d better leave “and other such variations. It does not matter on what grounds – adultery, she found someone better, or simply lost interest. If someone has never cast a girl, or that he was lucky, or it is not entirely heterosexual:)
This paper will also be useful to those who have unrequited love, or unhappy love story, those who are tormented by the question “how to forget a girl” or “how to get ex-girlfriend.” What can I do to return the girl? I’ll tell you one thing – there is only one way. It is rather complicated and at the same time very simple.
Must divide. At least half a year. Throw it out of my head, to remove her photos from the bedside table and a mobile phone screen, remove it from one.lv and even wipe her phone number, write it down on paper. Put away that piece of paper into the far corner, she’ll still need, but still you should not resemble anything about her. Thoughts about the past should not distract you. Because all this time you will change.
Sit down and analyze what it does not suit you. For some items you lose another. “I have no time for relationships,” “We do not fit together,” “I’m not ready for something serious” – all her excuses. Think of it, if you were invited to meet your ideal of feminine beauty, and you would have been very busy, would you refuse it? Ha-ha, of course not!
Well, surely you understand that you need to develop and improve themselves. I recommend to change in all spheres of life. To improve the appearance, serious attention to sports and fun to dress, move up the career ladder, to travel, try their hand at new field – may begin to play the guitar or paint, to do something before you did, make many new friends, make a lot of crazy -actions – to jump spontaneously to leave at night with friends in another city, to withdraw in the crowd or commercial, to try scuba diving. Read the materials at this site. Maximize your RMES. Do the minimum mission FTOW, sleep with ten other woman. Each of them must be something better than your ex, interesting in communication, nice face, slim figure, or more successful in their careers. Live all the time in his kicks.
Six months later, changed, just call her and offered to meet. She would say “wow, how you’ve changed”, will behave differently and communicate with you, not as in your last meeting. Now, just to seduce her. It would be easy, I promise. Do you all to turn out – good luck!
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