After the existence of mutual interest and attraction passes crush in comfort – the longest stage in the game of flirtation and seduction …
The three main components are:
2.1: Creating Reports
2.2: Establishing Trust
2.3: Create an emotional connection
+ CINEMA escalation (throughout)
The main objective here is to create Reports with chicks. Ie both of them to feel comfortable together and know each other, while escalate their relationship. Of course it is imperative that you be very fun and it was cool to it. Appropriate style, which you can use is “Cocky & Playful & Funny” (cocky & funny & Games) + your excellent skill for storytelling. Do not use heavy HE (babe has an attraction to you and is not appropriate to come back at a rear stage, and here must show not so much as “asshole”, but rather as a fun and nice dude). Amog Wai-it is moderately or slightly away from her and show a lack of interest / Freeze-out / when you want it punished her for any action or words. Amog most easily done by agreement with her kid (nonsense) and its escalation to a ridiculous level. AMOG Example: if they kid (with a smile): “Hey, but you were very rude” – You: “And how – I’m a PhD student in roughness (again with a smile). Freeze-out – generally means – breach of the atmosphere and Reports by negative body language – let her hands, ignored it, ignore it, start a conversation with someone else (eg, waitress), looked in the TV – punishing her words or actions demonstrating loss of interest in it. For example: While your cool, you just gently cinema, but when he caught her hand in yours, or embrace it, it shrinks. Here you immediately withdraw (drop her hand) broke Reports / moderate / and abandon it. At this point, it loses the link to the emotional level and feel worse / from previous state s that causes her to do something to regain his previous status. Most often it will try to resume the conversation – and you do not attract attention. And as it rewards turn to it and try again a minute later the same escalation. If you pull again – saying and your loss of interest. In this way it you “performing” that when your refuse escalation that leads to loss of pleasant emotional state and vice versa.
CINEMA escalation!
Film it is another key component in this phase. Without CINEMA no way to gradually escalate physical contact with the girl and get to hugging, kissing and sex. Few women of pleasant conversation – they jumped to sex – like that from scratch. If you are late in movie-it or do not do this babe will qualify as a cowardly, timid, incompetent and can lose their attraction to you (in best case will consider that there is simply no interest in it – and hence most often she will lose her). CINEMA escalation should be gradual and smooth (eg – 2 steps forward, 1 back). You start with a light touch on the body, holding up his hand, touching / fondling / hair arrive to hugs and kisses. Watch it – film it in this phase is not sexually oriented – you do not aim to arouse the chick, but simply to remove the physical barrier between you – to you in absolute comfort “to touch, embrace, kissing .. . and subsequently had sex. Here are some basic steps CINEMA:
– Light touch / top while doing verbal and logical mind, gently touch her body /
– Holding hands / can use some rutin or history, for example, palmistry, or massaging, or simply grabbing her hand while talking about her /
– Kisses / very mild at the beginning and innocent in a more serious consequence /
– Odor / hair or skin – a good transition for a kiss /
– Galena
– Kissing
Monitor the reaction of her body to your CINEMA any escalation. When positive escalate ahead, but without hurry. When a negative return is a step back and continue from there.
Comfort phase lasts approximately 6-7 hours (according to most PUA), but from my experience 3-4 hours of communication are absolutely sufficient in most cases. It is these hours are not spent in one location – walk to different places – and both invest in each other / time, emotions, money, etc. /. The more you invest the more you’re close to sexual relations. Tell stories about themselves, to show your identity – this is a serious state of knowledge. You must create trust and connection with the woman. Trust creates trust with the opposite. Example: give her her purse or gsm-a or something else were you / to hold him and go to the bathroom (and trust – it will create confidence for you). Also, when we share things that reveal something of his private life – (be careful not something that shows low rank – calibrated and sift out irrelevant stories about this chick) – it will make it and she said, generating trust (and do not forget to film it in that time – not intended to be turning in her best friend, right?). Connection is created by connecting on an emotional level – the two of you against the world. ” For example, when she tells what felt like listening to your favorite song – you can describe the same feeling and emotion when he was the last rock concert. Also if you have a similar positive or negative moments / whether now or back in time It can help bring you closer to each other very quickly and strongly. Beware the logical level – it will always be present, but not be fundamental – it is not your business partner with dealing with their new project. Much more important are the emotions and feelings in the topic than the logical details. Praskay kid and joke and banter – do not let the initial high energy (phase attraction) to fade (may decrease slightly, but not to die). Do not let any of its attempt to “grab” – did not answer every question – be a mystery, and (a little). Falsify what she says – as they attempt to download or otherwise. After each escalation withdrew slightly. Go ahead and free space, do not nalazvay constantly and without rest. Example: kiss her – then pull the words “You need more practice. On the other hand, do not become a good guy – or risk losing attraction. Download while less than rank of bedboy show and more like fun, interesting and nepukist. Do not cross the border from simple hugs and kisses to severe CINEMA and sexual arousal where there is insufficient Comfort and his “place of seduction” (eg your bedroom) – can ruin the entire game and / or having a very strong LMR / resistance at the last moment /. Comfort seats for the state in public places / cafes, night clubs, parks, public events and any other /. Traditional school meetings are a great way to escalate, but do not rely only on them but just take it with you at events, which last he decided to visit his / this is much more qualitative and /. Bridges makes time when you want to take it with you on a pre planned event, “Hey, tomorrow will examine the statement in the NPC for … – Come with me to do my company … I’ll pick at how Eddie from Eddie where are you. ” Premeditate places that would be interesting to take it with you and come up with something more original than bring her 5 times in your favorite coffee. Comfort is the last place your house or place that has more or less “decent” conditions for sex – not disco toilet / – there can now pass to the sexual seduction.
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