Terms of Use

1. Site owners do not bear any responsibility for the contents thereof. The articles are written by outside contributors to the site (users). Compared to these terms, they are advised that the contents are required to meet certain standards and put a link to the original, so if this is copied from another source.
2. Site users are obliged not to publish content that violates in any way the laws of the United States Of Ameca. If the content is copied from another source, the user must mention it at the end of the material.
3. Not tolerate any form of SPAM in the comments and articles, publications and nagging comments detrimental to the reputation of others, or making it antireklama of a mark. Our administrators monitor such activity and promptly remove such content. We reserve the right not to publish articles and comments at our discretion even if the above does not violate basic rules.
4. Moderators are external to the site contributors. They are consumers with increased rights in society is shown on the site. It is important to emphasize that a moderator, although their rights also leads to the status of “consumer” and apply it to the same rights as consumers. That is, the site owners are not responsible for the actions of the moderators in any form.
5. The contents of this site is licensed under the law to protect content and copyright. If you would copy text from here, we must mention as a source and put genuine link to this site or to the relevant post. If you will be published in printed form, you must specify the address as the author of this site: “www.lover-bg.com”.
6. Content posted to us, not our property, apply the rules set by its original author and / or originator. It was mentioned at the end of every article from the site. We are not responsible for non-compliance when copying content that is not our property. Through this document, all users are instructed how to mention the author.
7. Within the system profiles are allowed only to users who intend to publish the material. All registrations with no publications are periodically deleted without warning! To comment online registration is not required to account. All data of registered users are confidential and will not be provided to third parties without a judicial warrant.