Publish an Article

To post on this site, you must be a registered user to log on with your username and password. New user registration is performed by the “users” on the main page. From the same section (form) and is implemented as a user enters the system.
At the top of the administrative panel has a button “New Post”. Opens an editor where you can write. Each post consists of three components: title, content and tags. It is to be classified as a category.
While writing the material, save it as draft. Review it for errors and inaccuracies. When you are fully prepared, must offer it for publication! Publish only materials proposed for approval, not drafts!
10 Guidelines for authors to publish online material
1) Write interesting and attractive titles, such as they grabbed people and would have led them to click on them. Example: 22 rules for how to get your favorite woman. Such titles with specifics and clear messages like people. These are the headlines, if you noticed
2) Write in English literate and do not rush to offer for publication. After the article is ready – review it at least once more for errors of any kind. Finally, press the button to send for approval.
3) Write the text of paragraphs 4-5 regular procedure to be easy and pleasant to read. Try to separate paragraphs sense. Let the length of the text is a minimum of 4 paragraphs.
4) If you copy news from another site (after you have ascertained that this is allowed), must in the end, insert a source with a link. If the article / news is translated – too.
5) Postavayte topics in the appropriate categories (one or several) and enter the tags for each topic in the field Tags. This helps the optimization of the blog.
6) Do not post any nonsense – will strictly administer everything, so any obscene publication will be removed in time. Guilty will have to delete the account and ban forever.
7) Do not limit yourself to only publish scientific articles. Write about events and experiences, as this is the main purpose of the website – to share experiences. Decide for yourself what to write, it is interesting to others.
8) You can put links to the topic, but do not overdo it. Also, do not overdo it with text formatting. Let everything look natural and keep the current style of the site.
9) It is not a forum, so it’s nice material to contain at least 400-500 words. Any short speeches and questions will be deleted. To be useful to share or experience is needed to describe the problem further.
10) Your post should not contain vulgar and / or bellicose words and phrases. It is forbidden to upload pictures with pornographic or otherwise illegal content. If in doubt whether any post that is contrary to everything – it’s better not drop it for approval!
Naturally, it is difficult position to meet all these requirements. Talk about personal issues and stories. But try to keep them somewhat. So your material will be read by more people. More people will help you and if need be.