NEG HITS – efficient weapon in dating

by admin on October 19, 2009

Imagine the following scenario. Talking with the girl that you like and decide to make a compliment, and “I love your hair. Subkomunikira What’s this? That you like her hair? No – on it immediately and turns that you really nutty in it (and give valideyshan) and already has developed world (where it just looks). If, however, and say “I love your hair, but here there was a naughty lock / accompanying his words with movie /, which spoils the whole impression – what subkomunikirash (compliment + NEG) is quite confusing for her. It will make sure you like it or actually lock it for You ‘re kidding … Excellent – just in such a situation you need a girl who want to seduce.

What makes the NEG is terribly useful Hits:
1. Disqualify them as potential slagach and nategach. (Open other participants in the Seta perfect as subkomunikirat that are not dangerous).
2. They removed the shield of rank and the woman down.
3. They subkomunikirat that not nowhere. (There may be and / or there were other beautiful women in your life and only beauty can not impress you).
4. They lift your rank – if you have the courage to appreciate beautiful women and not a compliment.
5. Using Neg hits you show that you are different from all other jerks and claque which she encounters daily.
6. Using Neg hits you doin girl you qualify and to try to prove to you to get valideyshan. (Even just making it starts to feel attraction towards you).

Insult (when is still a meaningful way, not in the style of “sour grapes”) is the worst possible NEG. But you do not aim to insult a girl right?
Use only an insult when they overlook the opener of a high-raised shield – only then is it appropriate to podviknesh after her, “Oh, not looked – you’re fat (or ugly).

Here are some examples of NEG hits, you can use in the set – of course it is good to come up subsequently and their:
– “Nice nails – real? No / Yes? Is anything still look good … May “/ same happens with the hair – do not use it if you see they are real /
– “Nice blouse – it was bought new?
– “You have something between my teeth.”
– “I ask you, mnogoznayke.
– “Very anxious to – straight horror – / to other road Seta / – how does it tolerate?
– Nose you move very funny while talking / CINEMA + / – Хехе – see / show it to others in the Seta and include them together to laugh a babe /. ”
– / It when you speak / “Blah, yuk – blow me.”
– “You have too many colors in itself.”
– These glasses are definitely not your color. ”
– Хехе, teeth / your voice / are just like Bugs Bunny – Ha ha, very funny. ”
– “You remind me of some characters from the film – guess what? …. No – of pouar Puff Girls – you Babbles, Blosom you, and you Baterkopf / to the woman take off – if it is a very strong shield / – and you become Modzho Mint-May. ”
– “You’re too good girl, not my type.”
– “You’re just my type … unfortunate that I was gay. ”
– “If I was gay would be only mine.”
– “You have beautiful eyes … can I touch them? / forefinger and middle finger to the eyes / … / she looks bewildered / … Ahh, dirty fingers point to me / lick them or for soft tissue and forth option Wiping them – then raised them again before the eyes / And now you you? ”

– No need to deepen in his and they became subject of discussion. Let us throw quickly and then move to the next materials. If the target tries to argue something you NEGvash let us again, “Hello – I am talking about now – do not interrupt me,” and continue …
– Do not push it with his usually one, two were enough – use more if the girl has a very large shields and behaves as a super-bitch.
– In Seth niskorangovi with / understanding ugly – most often / NEG girls just will earn from Seta. Nobody likes to humiliate and ridicule him, and after NEG niskorangovoto girl just know that there is no chance with you, because your rank is too high and usually over-zlobyava.
– After NEG just smile and continue communication on other issues.
– Use the NEG and to punish her behavior in the phase of the attraction – the next phase using Freeze-out / in practice its kind NEG – but nonverbal .

The Theory of NEG HITS

A beautiful girl is surrounded by friends. She puts the mask of a real bitch. Whether she is really? Hardly. All my friends were normal human beings. For the beautiful people it is easier to cope with life because they receive better treatment because of his good looks.

But – it must have high standards when many men to suit her. So her attitude is understandable. When someone approaches her and just say “Hey let me buy you a beer” this will irritate it. The man thinks he has done something nice for her, but she gets this respect at all times. It is insensitive to it. You’re the eighth to the day!

She has learned to be quite easily rid of such men. On it and had to be one .. I just can not sleep with everyone! So it’s okay to say no or to be angry, and then men think she is a bitch and leave disappointed, angry and with a sense of failure. This behavior seems to be working. Sometimes when the girl feels control (eg in a club / bar where it is prepared for the flow of men – ultimately it’s something that happens so often that when I will miss her on it) it will take a drink and then we fuck off man. If men are stupid enough to buy her something, then nothing on her to prevent her from taking it.

When she accepts a beer from you, she says the following: “I do not know and they do not care especially for you. You’re just another one of those typical male and not because they admire, will take the beer and then they cut.”

Because the beautiful woman is so good at failure of your approach, it is important how you prune them. You can not offend them because they are accustomed to that of all injured men ( “you’re simple bitch!”) So that not make any impression.

How can their WITHOUT otvarnesh insult them? To say that has long nails which are most likely artificial. Why 10kite them to dress so well if you do not want attention? Sometimes I love the feeling of control. When you are in a club with friends want to be a leader in the middle (the social hierarchy in primates) and get all the attention. Boys come and buy them drinks, but they kefiat otsvirvat them. OK, so it is false nails to look even better! Most men would say “you look so beautiful! Tedious and typical in mind and correct.

Imagine yourself, one guy comes and tells her “Cool nails. Real?” It will have to answer “No, are artificial.” And he responded as if it is not aware of an ironic remark: “Nothing still look good. Then he turned his back on her.

What causes this in mind and? Hmm, it does not refer to rough it – it hurt. Make it a compliment, but the result was that it hit a disadvantage. She thinks I’m terribly beautiful “- (especially in a state of emotional and Control) – but failed to grab that” I’m so good at. I’ll just delete this spot in his vision for me. ”

Then you continue to have no interest in how it looks like some kind of promise a neutral topic. During this time, its intention is to make you look at it as other men to feel a sense of control and then they fuck off.

And then you submit another Neg-hit like this: “This lock is it? Scary how f. .. call this hairstyle? Wafers?” Smiled looking into her eyes, her show was a joke, not insult. You’re nice, but not interested in her beauty

This intrigued her will because she knows the men. And this is not normal. You have to have really high taste, or be very aware of women or married or something. These questions provoke her curiosity This continues to happen – and is called flirting. It you probutva several Neg-read – these are tests to determine more precisely what you are. You pass the tests as it Negvash response. After a while you already do not like all the others showing strong interest. BUT … WHY?

To take back control, she says, “Will you buy me a drink?” Notice how they try to catch! But, she just wants to flung, so then they otsviri. And this is the game – this strategy is all I know and now it does not work for you, and it attempts to address the situation. But at the same time it does not fully understand WHY you do not think it is absolutely beautiful.
Ultimately, her nails are artificial.

You say “Ha ha, that’s funny … your nose when you talk to sbrachkva ..” – (Pointing to how cute) – “Look here again … lol … see.” It will respond, “Stop!” * blushes *. be Now it narrowly – and this is the state in which you want to be. With 3 Neg-hit successfully created INTEREST (curiosity) and removed her from her pedestal (removed Bitch-shield-a her) was with a sense of humor, smiling, well dressed, confident her – everything she wants in a man.

You do not tolerate her nonsense. A.. And when she asked you a beer, you said to her, “Yes. I do not buy drinks for girls. But you can buy me one.” Now you qualified it. If you buy it, it shows that she feels respect for you.

If it does not, and say, “It was nice to meet you” (not sarcastically) and turn it back again. Do not go, just turned his back. Thus you it again Neg-yours when she thought that you ca-Neg. This is a teaser between the two – the first step of flirtation. That’s according to books on psychology.

Neg-hit serve as qualification. The girl does not pass the higher your requirements.

It is not exactly an insult, just tvojta discretion. The better you look girl, the more aggressive must be his own. 10-ka may receive 3 neg-hits, while 8-Miss bear only one or two (with a big pause). You can too much if you think your better than them. You give them the high esteem smaknesh beneath your feet (just as 10-ment made by men). Should reach the edge of the limits allowed to cross the no. Once when I brought it there, you can pochnesh to note the positive things in it (ever appearance.) Already there is a mutual respect. This is something most men would never have been a girl.

This is a way to remove the bitch shield-a. 3 Neg-hits should do the job with an interval of 2-3 minutes of a neutral conversation topic. When it smaknesh conversation continues with more mutual respect and then you can easily seduce her.

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