Contact with the eyes – an essential tool for seduction

by admin on October 24, 2009

How your eyes can seduce a woman

How your eyes can seduce a woman

Contact with the eyes is one of the most powerful means of seduction, which is often overlooked. But given that 55% of communication is done without words, this technique may prove very important in creating a lasting impression.

“The main components of eye movements are easy to control once they grasp the logic once. Follow these four simple steps to make sure you always use your eyes perfectly and with a stunning effect,” advises communication experts and body language Elizabeth Kunka.

First step: detection of the other person’s eyes is the first step towards tethering of conversation and create a positive impression. Throw short, but frequent glances at the target, if that person you look back and hold him, then gives you “permission” to approach him and to imagine.

Read: Long eye contact while talking. Look at the average interlocutor should last three seconds, but it increased to five, emphasize their interest in a person. Attention by displaying and demonstrating concern, you not only drive the opposite side to feel important, but are seen as attractive.

Maximum effect: Given that the eyes are the first thing we noticed at the first meeting and focuses attention during a conversation, it is very important that they look best.

Enlarged eyes: large eyes make people more attractive. Make sure your eyes appear larger by raising eyebrows and a slight bend eyelid, a technique that Hollywood beauties such as Marilyn Monroe used to stunning effect.

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