Commandments start dating or What to say on a first date

by admin on November 11, 2009

What to say on a first date

What to say on a first date

You need a man if not for life, then at least for a long time? Then, since familiarity should observe these commandments.

You are allowed to first take the initiative only giving zazyvnye signals through gestures, flirting with him. If you’re sitting in a cafe, it would be a mistake, if you first speak to him. The conversation will just let him! That you protect yourself from those men who are not looking for dating, and have been here for some other reason. If he really wants to meet you, it will first take the initiative. If he sits for a long time and you’re convinced that he is clearly trying to look shy and awkward dating, then the maximum you can provoke conversation.

Remember that attitude, first, fragile as a crystal vase, and, secondly, they can not fix anything! Therefore we must be careful to any man with whom you begin acquaintance, and build from the beginning just such a relationship, what you need it! Because then anything can not alter! Forget how you started with the same men, otherwise everything will be like last time …

Every new acquaintance start anew, owns some successful techniques for you, worked them! And from the start take the lead, allowing you to build such a relationship the most, what you need most, and to influence their development and be an active participant in the development of relations, rather than a passive observer. So the initiative in the relationship belongs to you! In any case, at each interview try to relax and have fun, just have a good time regardless of how the will to develop relations with new friends and whether they will do.

Let him speak in the main it! Remember that word – silver, silence – gold. If you give a man the opportunity to speak, he would very soon feel affection for you. So be grateful listener. Thus you, on the one hand, can not call it stimulation of women’s incessant chatter, and, on the other hand, give him an opportunity to show our best side. Will try to ask him about himself, beloved, what his hobbies and friends, as he lives.

Let him speak more than he let it be in the spotlight. Particularly encouraged to talk about their hobbies and the fact that he knows very well about his work, a hobby, but not about his personal life and even less about women. Let it be quite simple earthly things, but not fantastic feats of Hercules or the fictitious adventures of Odysseus. If you suspect that he begins to fantasize, to change the subject because the next time he may forget, get confused and have to feel uncomfortable. And be careful, concerned and appreciative listener. Look him straight in the eye. Let him finish the thought, do not interrupt me! Men, unlike women, must bring the idea to the end otherwise it will lose it and be annoyed.

If there was a pause, ask what else he likes, what else is keen that more interesting to him. Talk about travel, maybe he was somewhere or something wants to see. But do not ask too many questions. Try to ask such questions, to which he can give a detailed answer short, 40 minutes, in general, be able to speak, and not simply answer “yes” or “no.” And helped him in this. He worries no less than you, he is not sure of himself and wants to impress. So if you want to continue the relationship, there must be precise and clear to him that he made it very impressed!

In the process of communication words and his whole appearance indicated that he’ll like it! We must learn to listen and then you will know everything about him that you need and desire to be able to make him love me. However, the need to actively listen, join with him in dialogue. Interested in the minutest detail, specify the detail of his story, in general, directed the conversation to you in the right direction. Everything he says about his tastes, that he likes perceived absolutely seriously and remember! And remember that no accounting for tastes! In the process of communication if you learn to listen, you know that it attracts and repels that, in general, his presentation of the ideal and the fact that it is important in life. And in accordance with the need to slightly modify their behavior, according to his ideals that he saw in you the woman of his dreams. And also in further conversation with him must be the most stressed points, which for him is particularly important, thus this community attitudes, life values and priorities have to be brought together.

However, avoid anything that is connected with its material prosperity and finances, his living conditions, avoid details of his personal life. Listen to his responses to your questions, as he openly and easily begins to respond. If he refuses, we must quickly begin to discuss something else, otherwise excessive interest in his personal life, it can scare.

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1 VictorEeduardo April 3, 2013 at 2:57 pm

This is a funny question bescuae we are all somewhat crazy in our own way. I don’t really think you can pin point a crazy girl from the beginning unless however, you watch Isla Fisher in Wedding Crashers lol she is most defenetely crazy. in reality though, I think you just need to go with your instincts and listen what your heart tells you. If you feel something is not quite right with her or she strikes you as a bit different, then she may most likely have some underlyging issues. From my own personal experience, I have noticed that pathelogical liars are the craziest ones!!

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